I managed to hold myself back from any 'romping' around the extremely quiet and reflective war memorial garden.... (?!?)
Monday, May 31, 2010
random funny stuff
I managed to hold myself back from any 'romping' around the extremely quiet and reflective war memorial garden.... (?!?)
Friday, May 28, 2010
life's tough....
The water's clear and warm, but relatively cool enough to be refreshing. Fishing boats float past. The bamboo shacks at the edge of the beach serve up fruit salads, whole coconuts, seafood....
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Anyone else, I won’t be offended if you skip bits of it. Or lots of it. Or print it out to read on the loo. Other people’s work isn’t necessarily interesting.
A bit about paediatric physio
(It's not teeny tiny tennis elbows or brats with bad backs)
You’ll understand that children have many significant milestones as they grow up. Their first word, their first independent steps, their first day at school, the first time they ride a bike etc. The vast majority of children develop naturally, beautifully (with support from people around them) into fully functional and capable young people, without any need for professional help.
Paediatric physios work with children who have problems with the physical side of their development. They may or may not also have problems with other parts of development e.g. learning, speech, social skills. Physical disability is NOT synonymous with mental impairment. Kids with disabilities are just people (personalities, spirits, if you like) who are being held back by uncooperative bodies.
The type of things that can cause problems in children’s physical development include:
- general developmental delay
- brain damage due to problems during pregnancy or around the time of birth (cerebral palsy), or accidents
- spina bifida (a problem with the development of the baby’s spine during pregnancy)
- spinal injuries
- brain or spinal tumours
- problems with nerve signals, or with muscles
- if a child has tight, overactive hamstrings, which affects their walking, we’ll suggest that when they watch TV or play games, they sit on the floor with their butt against the wall and their legs stretched out in front of them
- if a child has tight adductor muscles which pull their legs together all the time, we’ll think of positions and activities which help to stretch them. Here I've got children sitting on the family buffalo in the garden, sitting helping a parent preparing food with their legs kept apart by a wedge (made of cardboard and straw), or sitting astride their parent’s motorbike
- if a child has problems because they have weak hands and arms, I’ll ask them to help with everyday things like washing and wringing out the clothes, or filling the vat of water in the kitchen with a bucket, or scraping the corn off the cobs they’ve just harvested)
- to improve a child’s core strength and ability to sit upright, we’ll make a game of sitting on a big log, or a parent’s knee or back, or again, riding on the motorbike or buffalo
When families commit to incorporating this type of therapy into daily life from when a child is very small, the child is given the chance to develop far more independence and a better quality of life. This equips them better for adult-hood and the inevitable time when their parents are not around to take care of them. Movement and activities also help children avoid problems such as deformity and pain later on in life.
There are challenges in this work which you'll find the world over;
- If people aren’t convinced about the potential benefit of doing something, then they don’t do it. It can be very difficult to convince people to commit to slightly inconvenient action NOW, in an immediately pressing world, for an unquantifiable, undefinable, un-guaranteable long term effect. Anyone frustrated by procrastination, buck-passing and excuse-making on climate change will recognise this....
There are some specific cultural challenges in my work here in Vietnam.
“If he can’t walk then what’s the point?”
Generally (although of course there are sad exceptions) it seems that Vietnamese families love children born with disabilities, and care for them in terms of meeting their basic nutritional needs and keeping them safe. But there often seems be a deep sense of resignation. A lack of hope or ambition for them. You can unfortunately see how this attitude arises when you consider that children who can’t get around independently can’t go to school, and that people here depend on physical work to farm the land. But the devastating result is that many many children spend their lives lying on their backs, under-stimulated, fed and washed and carried about by a long-suffering parent or guardian, developing deformities, and with no prospect of anything different throughout their adult lives. It’s heart-wrenching. Until people can be convinced that children can achieve a lot even if they can’t walk, it’s an uphill battle for these kids.
Effective therapy needs creative and flexible thinking Choosing the right kind of activities needs firstly a good understanding of the child’s problems, and secondly the ability to think creatively, flexibly and practically to figure out what will help them. The process is not formulaic, and every child needs different activities as they grow and develop. Dare I say it, and I really don't want to sound patronising, this doesn’t come naturally to most Vietnamese. In Vietnam the education system is very formal and teacher-centred. There are a lot of rules. Children are brought up to obey authority without question. This unquestioning mentality continues to be fostered in adult life. Vietnam is a single-party state and people are not free to question the government.
Paediatric physiotherapy training in the colleges seems to be as I've heard it was in the UK maybe 40-50 years ago. It consists of passive exercises that parents do TO their children ("hold their leg like this for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times, 5 times a day"), or using gym-type machines (quads press, hamstring curl, arm weights etc), which are completely inappropriate because a) they don’t teach any functional skills b) they’re really boring, and c) teaching parents and children how to use these machines is pointless as they can only use them at the centre.)
(Having said this, I recently spent some time with 3 experienced paediatric therapists from Saigon, who have studied overseas (including the Bobath concepts). These guys were committed, thoughtful, had immaculate handling skills, and demonstrated a very practical, problem-solving approach to therapy. They were an inspiration, and backed up everything I had said at the centre. I look forward to working with them again.)
Let's NOT agree to disagree!Thanks to my years working in the Black Country, I'm used to people saying exactly what they think. If a parent doesn’t believe or disagrees with what I say, I’ll (generally) know about it (often in no uncertain terms). Here in Vietnam, people like to agree. It is considered rude or disrespectful to disagree. So I’ll talk to a family or therapist, and think that they undersand and agree with my idea, and then see what they do and it’s completely different (it’s either that or my interpreter is not doing her job very well!) Also, it is generally considered very ‘bad’ to make mistakes. So people will be evasive, or make irrational, impractical decisions, in order to ‘cover up’ mistakes. It’s pretty hard to adapt to working in this type of culture, but understanding it at least helps to reduce the frustration!
Feelin’ hot hot hot...
Think about how your body feels when you’re cold; how your muscles tighten and tense up. In the UK, a lot of the children we work with have problems with high tone, short tight muscles and deformity. Here in Vietnam it’s really really hot, averaging around 25 degrees, with humidity around 70-80%. Think about how you feel after a hot bath. Everyone (disabled or not) is pretty relaxed and lethargic and floppy. Most of the rural population sleep sprawled on the floor or in hammocks for an hour or two every lunchtime. It is no surprise to find that lots of children with physical disabilities are floppy, low-toned, and like to lie splayed out on their backs.
Lost in translation...?Whilst I’m trying very hard to learn Vietnamese, all my work is done via an interpreter. Who has no experience of therapy. And despite being an English teacher had never actually spoken to a foreigner before getting this job. But she’s lovely, and learning fast....
But enough about the problems...
2) Teaching (and demonstrating, and writing out, and drawing, and putting pictures on the computer, and the walls...) some practical ways to help children to develop physical skills and avoid deformity. I’m trying to adapt the techniques I learnt whilst working in the Sandwell Paeds team (thank you and miss you guys!) to fit life here. See the examples above.
3) Training the staff and volunteers on the concept of ‘building blocks’ of physical development, and the need to focus on the ‘next block’ rather than jumping ahead (i.e. work on head control, then core control, then rolling and sitting, then crawling, rather than taking a floppy child (who can’t hold their head up), hoiking them up under their armpits and ‘walking’ them round the room for hours on end).
4) Families here can’t afford specialist seating. So I’m exploring and teaching ways of supporting children in a sitting position using materials and objects found in the home or the nearby environment. When a child is sitting up they can see what’s going on around them. They can interact with the people in the room. They start to develop head control. They can be fed without choking (try eating or drinking lying down or with your head tilted back....) There is a lady doing some inspirational work in Africa making seating out of glued together sheets of cardboard – I’m planning to try the same thing here....
Mum.... mum!... MUM!!! wake up!!!
Anyone else that's got this far, you are a true friend. And definately deserve dinner when I get back. And I promise the next post will be utterly un-serious. And will include the beach. And beautiful Vietnamese people. And, er, more recipes...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Why VSO and why Vietnam?
With Vietnam soon to be classified as a ‘middle-income country’, there is discussion in the development community about whether organisations, volunteers and aid are still needed here. In my case, working in healthcare (disability), I would argue that effective medical and education systems/methods/techniques can only develop with investigation, analysis and research. Which can only happen when people have the opportunity, time and money. Which naturally follow behind the initial economic and infrastructure development. So... whilst there ARE more decent roads, and schools and hospitals being built here, the skills and knowledge of the people working in them are significantly behind those in the more developed world. (Obviously I’m talking about 'Western' not 'Eastern' medicine, which I think is valuable and they certainly know more about than we do!)
My placement has been set up as part of project funded by an American Veterans organisation to address the alleged ongoing effects of the use of the herbicide Agent Orange (amongst others) during the American/Vietnam war. Due to a lack of concrete data I can’t comment on whether or not these herbicides (and in particular the dioxins which contaminated them) have led to a prevalence of child disability in this area compared to elsewhere in Vietnam, or the world. But this province was very heavily sprayed, and there are a lot of children with complex disabilities here. (Protracted and messy moral and legal battles continue between Vietnam and American chemical companies. There is plenty of information online, including an interesting US congress report at http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL34761.pdf)
I’ll explain more about my particular job in the next blog.
Sorry, these are a bit dry... but it’s not all noodles, beaches and karaoke...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tall tales
But I wasn't prepared for the headwear of huge nets of spiders webs and accompanying crafts-spiders, the risk of death from dangling lightbulbs and electrical cables poorly sellotaped together, the close encounters with gruesome clusters of dried out chickens legs hung up for luck, and the bruises from ceilings.
All resting quietly until I came along to disturb the peace.